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MVP Neutron Deflector


På lager: 15

 Deflector is an overstable midrange

The Deflector is here to combat headwinds and produce powerfully overstable flights in all conditions. Among the most overstable midranges ever created, the Deflector answers the call of many fans looking for a slower-speed disc with a powerful fade. On an anhyzer release the Deflector will fight out of its turn and flatten out to fade. On a hyzer line the disc will follow a smooth fade with a pronounced stable finish. Showing its versatility by maintaining reliability for both forehand and backhand, the Deflector caters to all throwers.


Gyro Logo

Flight Chart

The Deflector is defined by overstability. High-power forehand and backhand players will find a midrange that they can unleash on and have the confidence of a predictable finishing fade.

